Spiritual Adult Growth and Education

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The Spiritual Adult Growth and Education (SAGE) Committee is deeply engaged in reviewing our current programs and considering the religious education needs of adults in our SFUU community. We know that shared wisdom, experiences, and stories are valuable in the quest to build beloved community. We want to assist you share your wonderful ideas and your teaching expertise in bringing us opportunities to live into these aspirations.

If you have an idea for an Adult RE offering, please contact Meg Dorsey, musicmeg57@gmail.com. The Adult RE Proposal Form (click on the button below) will help you think through some of the various details of leading a class or program here.

SAGE’s most recent discussion book.

When our congregation co-created and then adopted a new mission statement in the spring of 2014, it was clear that community was central to many people’s experience of being part of SFUU. And so it begins, “Our mission is to create beloved community that respects diversities.” Community isn’t a static entity … it changes each time that a new person arrives, someone moves away or dies or when we change roles. The phrase “beloved community” was first used by Josiah Royce, a philosopher-theologian from the early 20th century, and was made famous by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. It affirms a spirit of humanity where all are known and loved. Beloved community isn’t a commodity … it will never go on sale at your local department store or be found on shelves in brightly colored boxes.  It is created in the spaces and conversations between us, in our hearts, and with our hands. 

Ongoing Programs

Men’s Group  

Tuesdays 6 PM in our Zoom Room!

Meditation Practice
Mondays, 7 PM, SFUU sanctuary (in person or Zoom)