Garden Boxes for Acres of Hope

Acres of Hope is a spiritually based renewal center serving unhoused women with children in the Auburn area by providing them with a home and an environment of structured programming. When contacted about the potential for partnering with them to promote sustainable living, they requested our help in providing and building garden boxes for the center and its residents. The garden boxes provide opportunities for the women and children to learn how to grow their own food, provide healthy and organic food at a lower cost and enjoy success in providing for their own nutritional needs. In the Spring of 2018, we arranged for materials to be donated by local businesses and then helped the residents build and fill two garden boxes (4’x8’ and 4’x12’ in size). The wood materials for the boxes were donated by Home Depot and constructed on site. The soil was donated and delivered by Robinson Sand and Gravel Company. The many and varied vegetable starter plants were donated by Eisley Nursery. The plants are watered by a drip irrigation system so the end project is water conservative.

Green Team Leader for this project: Helene Crandall

Click here to find out more about Acres of Hope.

We extend our gratitude to the local businesses who contributed to this project!