Field of wildflowers on Everett Butts’ Mount Pleasant property in Lincoln; photo by Ron Wirgart

Field of wildflowers on Everett Butts’ Mount Pleasant property in Lincoln; photo by Ron Wirgart

SFUU is a Green Sanctuary

Green Sanctuary is a UUA (Unitarian Universalist Association) program geared toward sustainabile living and environmental justice in keeping with our mission and the seventh principle. Being a Green Sanctuary means that as a congregation we are committed to environmental justice and caring for the Earth, which aligns with our mission statement. The UUA goals for the Green Sanctuary program include:

  1. Deepening our ties to the seventh principle by bringing congregational culture into greater alignment with environmentally sustainable practices.

  2. Empowering our members to embrace and integrate effective stewardship of the Earth into our daily lives.

  3. Inviting our members to address climate injustice through activism

SFUU became a Green Sanctuary in 2010 and was officially awarded Green Sanctuary Reaccreditation from the UUA on October 3, 2019. The links in the sidebar will take you each of the projects SFUU completed on the road to reaccreditation. The Green Sanctuary Team for reaccreditation included Tom Piette, Barb Munn, Bob Niblack, Marsha von Dessonneck, Helene Crandall, Janie Evans, and Allen Edwards.

The work of Green Sanctuary at SFUU is now being carried forward by the Mission Earth Team, we encourage you to join the team!